Thursday, March 17, 2011

reflecting thinkin points

I like my piece becaussee it has everythinng that's its supposed to have in it. the commerciall has three claimmms. Alsooo its has a slogann and a logoo. Lastly it is hass  a Celebrity appeal. i feel i amm good at persuading the audience. i thinkk my teams commerciall is goinng to persuade little kids to gett a pillow pet. Another thing that i feel i'm good at is memoriziingg.  I feel thatt i did a good jobb memorizinng what i had to memorize for the commercial. One more thing thatt i feel i'm good at is fitting the part. i dressed appropriatly to fit the part if a kidd that getting a friend to buyy a pillow pet. some area were i can improve  are looking at the camera more instead of facin away from it. I could alsoo talk a little louder and clearer. Persuasive writing techniques i could try  next time are having more claims and more things on why to buy this product. another one is that we could've dressed the part of a famous person to look like theyy really have a pillow pet. The part of the process i most enjoyed was creating th commercial and presenting it. i like it because all the other groups gett to see how you interpret the idea of the commercial. The goals i have for next time are to have its practiced more so i could gett it perfect. the three things i learned about mysellf throughout the process are thattt i am capable of doinng things. i cann do anything i want if i tryy. Also i learned thatt i have the ability to create a commercial. Last, I lerned that making a commerciall is not an easy taskk it is difficult but sometimes you have to make it.

1 comment:

  1. Deana I really liked your post. You stuck to one topic. With some words yuo pressed one of the letters twice which made you have spelling mistakes. An example is you were saying buy but you typeed in buyy. besides that your piece was really good.
